


The Institute of Forensic Accountants – IFA also known as The Chartered Institute of Forensic Accountants of Nigeria (CIFAN) is the leading professional institution for training of qualified Forensic Accountants In Nigeria and worldwide.

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Membership Information

The Membership of the Institute consist of two Categories:
The First Category is the Associate Member with designation of CFA.
The Second and being the Highest Category is the Fellow Member with designation of FFA.

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Studying with IFA – Nigeria

It is a prerequisite for entry to the Institute’s Examinations that a Candidate must be a Registered Student with the Institute.

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Benefits of Joining IFA – Nigeria

Members of The Institute of Forensic Accountants of NigeriaIFA Members provide assistance on cases which are primarily related to calculation and estimation of Economic Damages and Related Issues including White-collar Crimes.

Forensic Accounting is the latest additional profile to the accountant’s business portfolio. There is an increasing demand for Forensic Accountant’s services and our experience has shown that this demand needs Qualified Forensic Accountants that are developed at a Professional Level and made available to the public.

Forensic Accountants often assist in litigation support.

The Forensic Accountant provides crucial support in the early stages of the legal dispute by conducting reviews of the relevant financial documents to form an initial assessment of the case.

Forensic Accountants also assist in cases relating to criminal matters which typically arise in the aftermath of fraud. Forensic Accountants are frequently involved in the assessment of accounting systems, policies and accounts presentation—in essence, to assess professionally whether if the numbers reflect the reality.

Forensic accounting engagements may fall into several categories. For examples:

  • Economic damages calculations, whether suffered through tort or breach of contract;
  • Litigation support;
  • Business/Employee fraud investigations;
  • Financial/Securities frauds;
  • Business interruptions/Business failures;
  • Computer forensics/e-discovery ;
  • Discovery of hidden assets;
  • Professional negligence;
  • Matrimonial disputes, etc

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